``To awaken human emotion is the highest form of art`` Isidora Duncan
The debate on the future and evolution of incentives in a post Covid world is out there.
We have seen agencies innovating and exploring different options for maintaining, engaging and motivating incentive programmes. These have ranged from virtual experiences, being able to fly over the Grand Canyon or observe cetacean migrations in the Atlantic, as well as individual incentive trips for winners and their partners, holiday schemes and monetary rewards.
This essentially responds to two types of demand. Clients are still keen to motivate their staff, now more than ever, and it is paramount to keep good employees and motivate them to achieve company goals. Secondly, agencies need to make money and it is no secret that the events industry has been hit hard by the pandemic; incentives more than most due to their very nature, namely group experiences overseas.
The critical aspect here is that an incentive, motivating human beings, cannot be replaced. Shared human experiences, the laughs, the jokes, the unexpected hilarity of some moments, the shared feeling that “the moment”, “the element” and the overall experience, is unique to those individuals, is irreplaceable; whether kayacking among dolphins, taking a break on a tailored mountain bike tour, enjoying the years fine wine harvest or admiring a sunset on Atlantic waters, shared human experiences cannot be substituted. Emotions….adrenalin packed ones, sincere words expressed at an award ceremony, goodbye´s after a lifelong achievement and the hilarity provoked by telling a good anecdote are elements which distinguish us as human beings. They are unique to that moment, what unites that particular group, then and there, but equally as importantly, what bonds them with shared memories for life.
As we approach Christmas this year and leave 2020 behind, the TenTravel DMC team raise their united voices to ratify that we believe in all the goodness in human beings and their emotions; therefore you will find us here in 2021 doing what we do best, creating fabulous memories for all our clients on the Canary Islands.