Dislexia was the big headline on the Canary Islands!!!
On March 17th & 18th Dyslexia was the big headline on the Canary Islands! 150 people, including professionals from the education and health fields, as well as families and people with dyslexia, gathered to participate in the V Conference on Dyslexia in the Canary Islands, organized by DISLECAN and planned and coordinated by TenTravel DMC.
The event was a resounding success, in which speakers with great experience and knowledge in the fields of specific learning difficulties and in Education and Health, outlined and described the ways in which children and adults with dyslexia and dyscalculia can be diagnosed, monitored and helped.
The organization of the event at the @Hotel Las Aguilas was perfectly executed @Ten Travel DMC. We already look forward to the 6th edition of this event!!!